La maison de répit La Ressource


Ready to enroll?
We hope to meet you soon

Welcome to the pre-registration process at La Maison de répit La Ressource, where we are committed to providing warm and inclusive support to families.

(514) 814-6552
The process


Admission Criteria

Before you begin the pre-registration process, make sure you understand the admissions criteria and your loved one meets them.


Pre-Registration Form

Complete the Pre-Registration Form. Be sure to provide accurate and complete information.


Observation Days

Following analysis of the pre-registration form, we will organize one or two days of paid observation to assess the participant's eligibility.


Service Contract

Once the observation is completed and your loved one is approved, the service contract will be signed.

Step One Admission Criteria

To be eligible for our services, please meet the following criteria:

  • Be aged 14 and over.
  • Have a diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID) with or without autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
  • Do not have a serious behavioral disorder (SBD).
  • Be able to integrate into our groups of participants.
  • Integrate into our activity program.
  • Be evaluated by staff at La Maison de Répit La Ressource.
  • Become a member of La Maison de Répit La Ressource.

Aggravating Conditions Accepted

  • Incontinence
  • Restricted mobility
  • Wheelchair
  • Prescription medications to be administered
  • Inability to feed yourself

Situations Leading to a Refusal of Service

  • Behavior disorder
  • Violent behavior, running away, hitting, screaming, indecent gesture.
  • Complex medical condition (injection, force-feeding, etc.)
  • A person with no sexual problems.
  • A person who does not wander or run away.

Step Two Pre-Registration Form

Please complete the Pre-Registration Form available here. Be sure to provide accurate and complete information. 

After filling the registration form send it to the email: With the subject: PRE – REGISTRATION – Last name and name of the user.

Step Three Observation Process

Third step in the compliance process Observation allows us to create a tailored environment by understanding each participant’s preferences, skills, and challenges. It’s also an opportunity for your loved one to start getting acquainted with our team and atmosphere.

How does it work?

After analyzing your form, our team will contact you to schedule one or two days of observation based on our availability and yours.

Active participation: Your loved one will be encouraged to actively participate in our regular activities during these days. This will help us gauge their comfort and level of interaction.

After the observation

At the end of this period, our team will provide you with detailed feedback and discuss the next steps in the registration process, including the service contract.

Preparation for Observation

Bring any special equipment or information needed to ensure a comfortable and suitable day for your loved one, including items from the equipment and personal effects list we have shared with you.

What can we observe?
  • Social and communication skills
  • The level of interaction with other participants
  • Your loved one’s particular preferences and desires
  • The presence or absence of aggravating behaviors

Last Step Service Contract

Once pre-registration is completed, you will be informed of the next steps in the process, including evaluation and signing of the service contract.

Please note that an additional fee of $20 will be applied for registration for summer camp and day respite.

Our Policy

Cancellation Policy

Your flexibility is essential. Any request to cancel or postpone Day Respite service must be made at least 24 hours before the reserved day. If the minimum time limit is not met, this is considered an absence without reason, so we will request full payment for the service.

Our Support

Information Changes

We are attentive to any changes in your loved one’s information. Please do not hesitate to notify us of any changes to your address, email address, medications, contact persons, telephone numbers, and other relevant information.


Active Communication

We maintain open communication with you through a dedicated notebook. Every day, we record your loved one’s activities and any particular behavior so you can stay informed. Be sure to read and sign regularly to confirm receipt of the information.

Our Priority

We are listening to you

Your comfort is our priority. Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email with any concerns or important updates, whether it be a change of address, medications, or other relevant information.